Why do you get benefits from C.MORI?!

Why do you get benefits from GC NATURAL C.mori?
C.Mori is specially formulated with herbs that are great for making the Lungs moist and again and at treating Lung problems such as cough and mucus. Sang Bai Pi is good at making the Lungs moist as it’s supposed to be; no more dry coughs! Qing Pi is good at making coughs stop. Zi Su Ye is great at relieving mucus.
This product is good for people with these symptoms.
Chronic cough ♦ frequent mucus problems ♦ lung problems
White mucus ♦ sticky mucus ♦ unstoppable cough
Recommended Use
Take 8 to 10 extract balls 2-3 times a day
(Those with severe symptoms: Take 15 extract balls 3 times a day)
Note: If you are taking any prescribed medicines from your doctor, take C.MORI one hour before or after taking the medicine.
* 증상에따라 복용방법이 다르고 효과역시 다릅니다.
한의학 전문의와 상담을 통하여 복용방법과 주의사항을 확인하세요.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this website and affiliated GC Natural websites is for information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.